if you are being denied an asl interpreter or other accommodations or need to file an ada complaint, we can help you.
Special education advocacy: we assist families with their deaf and hard of hearing children’s IEPs and IFSPs.
Deaf 101 Presentations for BUSINESSES, GOVERNMENT and community services.
Exhibit or Information Booths at local information fairs.
Deaf community events including Coffee Socials and Annual Family BBQ.
Help with understanding and filling out forms, applications and other documents .
Public VideoPhone Booth available on walk-in basis.
information about video phones and assistive devices.
Deaf to Deaf peer counseling.
Crisis intervention if you are experiencing abuse or violence.
Referral to professional counseling, mental health and substance abuse.
Help with job application and interview.
Referral and applying to department of rehabilitation.
See NorCal employment program page.
Help with social security, calfresh, medi-cal/medicare, ihss and other benefits.
Help with immigration and DMV licensing.
Referral to housing and transportation resources.
Contact us by email, videophone, website, telephone or in person at our office for assistance.
NorCal maintains website and social media including asl videos to keep community informed